
Same day welcome
1 hr - $800
90 min - $1100
2 hrs - $1400
3 hrs - $1800
4 hrs - $2200

Special offer
Dessert & Dinner special! Book a date 2 hrs or longer and enjoy delicious homemade food cooked by me :)
Available soon
Same day appointments
Open to same day appointments with a minimum of 1-2 hrs notice. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near! :)
Incall dates are hosted in Arlington, 5 min walk from a major metro station. 15 min drive from DCA and 30 mins from IAD, easy to reach by metro too.
Screening is required for all dates to ensure my safety. Please provide your real life information, including your work place. All information is for my eyes only and will be handled discreetly. I don't accept references.
A $200 deposit is required to secure a date with me. Don't send more unless specified otherwise. Payable by Venmo, Bitcoin, Throne or e-gift card. Deposit is non-refundable, but can be transferred to a different date. In case I have to cancel our meeting I shall return the deposit at once.
The remaining fee is to be presented in cash or Bitcoin, at the beginning of our date.
Cancellation policy
In case of cancellation I will keep the deposit, and a new one will be required if you wish to book in the future.